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Cifo - Neem Oil

Cifo - Neem Oil

Regular price €9,50 EUR
Regular price Sale price €9,50 EUR
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Formulated based on Neem, derived from the cold pressing of the seeds of the Azadirachta Indica plant, of extreme purity capable of enhancing the biochemical functions of the plant component

It is possible to use the formulation on vegetables, fruit trees, aromatic plants, ornamental plants in every phase of the plant's vegetative cycle.

Dilute the contents of the concentrated product at a dose of 5-15ml/1 litre of water and spray on the leaves. Repeat treatments every 8-15 days.

For immediate use, proceed directly with spraying at a distance of 20-40cm, trying to reach the lower side of the leaves as well. Do not treat in case of rain which may wash away.

Treat during the coolest hours of the day.

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